Update manuscript Dashboard release status
The script takes as argument a list of PMIDs and a Y/N flag, and updates the Dashboard release status of the manuscripts with the specified PMIDs.
Alterations in T and B cell function persist in convalescent COVID-19 patients
paper: Shuwa, H. A., Shaw, T. N., Knight, S. B., Wemyss, K., McClure, F. A., Pearmain, L., Prise, I., Jagger, C., Morgan, D., Khan, S., Brand, O., Mann, E. R., Ustianowski, A., Bakerly, N. D., Dark, P., Brightling, C. E., Brij, S., Felton, T., Simpson, A., Grainger, J. R., Hussell, T., Konkel, J. E. and Menon, M. (2021). Alterations in T and B cell function persist in convalescent COVID-19 patients. Med (N Y) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.medj.2021.03.013
contributor: Madhvi Menon
contributor_organization: University of Manchester
contributor: Madhvi Menon
contributor_organization: University of Manchester
Myeloid phenotypes in severe COVID-19 predict secondary infection and mortality: a pilot study
paper: Marais, C., Claude, C., Semaan, N., Charbel, R., Barreault, S., Travert, B., Piloquet, J., Demailly, Z., Morin, L., Merchaoui, Z., Teboul, J., Durand, P., Miatello, J. and Tissières, P. (2021). Myeloid phenotypes in severe COVID-19 predict secondary infection and mortality: a pilot study. Ann Intensive Care https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34259942/
contributor: Pierre Tissières
contributor_organization: AP-HP/Université Paris Saclay/Inserm
contributor_email: pierre.tissieres@aphp.fr
contributor: Pierre Tissières
contributor_organization: AP-HP/Université Paris Saclay/Inserm
contributor_email: pierre.tissieres@aphp.fr
Uncontrolled Innate and Impaired Adaptive Immune Responses in Patients with COVID-19 ARDS
paper: Hue, S., Beldi-Ferchiou, A., Bendib, I., Surenaud, M., Fourati, S., Frapard, T., Rivoal, S., Razazi, K., Carteaux, G., Delfau-Larue, M., Mekontso D. A., Audureau, E. and de Prost. N. (2020). Uncontrolled Innate and Impaired Adaptive Immune Responses in Patients with COVID-19 ARDS. Am. j. respir. crit. care med https://doi.org/10.1164/rccm.202005-1885OC
contributor: Nicolas de Prost
contributor_organization: Université Paris Est-Créteil
contributor_email: nicolas.de-prost@aphp.fr
contributor: Nicolas de Prost
contributor_organization: Université Paris Est-Créteil
contributor_email: nicolas.de-prost@aphp.fr
Cutting Edge: Distinct B Cell Repertoires Characterize Patients with Mild and Severe COVID-19.
paper: Hoehn, K. B., Ramanathan, P., Unterman, A., Sumida, T. S., Asashima, H., Hafler, D. A., Kaminski, N., Dela C. C. S., Sealfon, S. C., Bukreyev, A. and Kleinstein, S. H. (2021). Cutting Edge: Distinct B Cell Repertoires Characterize Patients with Mild and Severe COVID-19. Journal of immunology https://doi.org/10.4049/jimmunol.2100135
contributor: Steven Kleinstein
contributor_organization: Yale University
contributor_email: steven.kleinstein@yale.edu
contributor: Steven Kleinstein
contributor_organization: Yale University
contributor_email: steven.kleinstein@yale.edu
Distinct cellular immune profiles in the airways and blood of critically ill patients with COVID-19
paper: Saris, A., Reijnders, T. D., Nossent, E. J., Schuurman, A. R., Verhoeff, J., van A. S., Bontkes, H., Blok, S., Duitman, J., Bogaard, H., Heunks, L., Lutter, R., van d. P. T. and Garcia V. J. J. (2021). Distinct cellular immune profiles in the airways and blood of critically ill patients with COVID-19. Thorax https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33846275/
contributor: Anno Saris
contributor_organization: Center for Experimental and Molecular Medicine
contributor_email: a.saris@amsterdamumc.nl