paper: Saris, A., Reijnders, T. D., Nossent, E. J., Schuurman, A. R., Verhoeff, J., van A. S., Bontkes, H., Blok, S., Duitman, J., Bogaard, H., Heunks, L., Lutter, R., van d. P. T. and Garcia V. J. J. (2021). Distinct cellular immune profiles in the airways and blood of critically ill patients with COVID-19. Thorax
contributor: Anno Saris
contributor_organization: Center for Experimental and Molecular Medicine
- description: Immunophenotyping of bronchoalveolar lavage and blood mononuclear cells of COVID-19 patients admitted to the ICU using a 32-color spectral flow cytometry panel. In addition, 45-panel Luminex (R&D) and 10-panel coagulation CBA (biolegend) was performed on BALF and plasma. In parralel PBMCs from healthy controls were measured.
- exact_source: Figure 1-3 & S2-S4 and table 1
- tissue: Mononuclear cells from bronchoalveolar lavage and paired blood
- immune_exposure: COVID-19 and possibly subsequent superinfection
- cohort: 33-79yr ICU admitted COVID-19 patients
- comparison: Bronchoalveolar lavage vs blood in COVID-19.
- repository_id: data avaialble upon request, not (yet) publically
- platform:
- response_components:
- response_behavior: variable