paper: Arunachalam, P. S., Wimmers, F., Mok, C. K. P., Perera, R. A., Scott, M., Hagan, T., ... & Pulendran B. (2020). Systems biological assessment of immunity to mild versus severe COVID-19 infection in humans. Science, 369(6508), 1210-1220. Chicago
contributor: Bali Pulendran
contributor_organization: Stanford
- description: Genes differentially expressed in COVID-19 patients compared to healthy controls
- exact_source: Fig. 4, Table S4 Tab "DEG_healthy_vs_covid-19"
- tissue: PBMC
- immune_exposure: SARS-CoV-2 infection
- cohort: Adults (38 - 90)
- comparison: COVID-19 vs healthy
- repository_id: GSE155673
- platform: CITE-seq
- response_components:
- response_behavior: Up or down
- description: Interferon-stimulated genes in COVID-19 patients
- exact_source: Fig. 4G and supplementary fig. 15A
- tissue: PBMC
- immune_exposure: SARS-CoV-2 infection
- cohort: Adults (38 - 90)
- comparison: COVID-19 vs healthy
- repository_id: GSE152418
- platform: Bulk RNAseq
- response_components:
- response_behavior: Up
- description:
- exact_source:
- tissue:
- immune_exposure:
- cohort:
- comparison:
- repository_id:
- platform:
- response_components:
- response_behavior:
- description:
- exact_source:
- tissue:
- immune_exposure:
- cohort:
- comparison:
- repository_id:
- platform:
- response_components:
- response_behavior: