Update manuscript Dashboard release status

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The script takes as argument a list of PMIDs and a Y/N flag, and updates the Dashboard release status of the manuscripts with the specified PMIDs.

-d <string>: this specifies the list of PMIDs. The <string> is a quoted string containing white space-separated PMIDs. E.g.: “37327781 34259942 32669287”.
-f <uri>: an alternative way to specific the PMIDs. <uri> is an unquoted string, pointing to a web-accessible text file which is expected to contain the relevant PMIDs. E.g., http://www.somesite.com/pmids.txt. In that file, PMIDs will be separated by white space and, possibly, spanning multiple lines. The script should be able to handle situations where both the -d and the -f flags are used, i.e., PMIDs are specified both at the command line and from a uri file.
-s <status>: <status> is an unquoted string which can assume the values Y or N. If Y is used, the Dashboard release status of the manuscripts with the specified PMIDs will be marked as released. If N is used, the status will be set to unreleased.